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2020 Communication & Reviews Survey | HVAC Webmasters

Connecting With Consumers

Hunting for new contractors seems like everyone’s least favorite pastime, and for good reason. It’s stressful, time-consuming, and filled with pitfalls. “Are these companies trustworthy? Can I trust the customer reviews on their website?” These are the sort of questions flooding our minds as we shop around online.

At HVAC SEO Webmasters, we continually strive to better understand the consumer search process to deliver stronger results for our SEO clients. We recently conducted a research project to uncover insights into how homeowners (and commercial prospects) overcome search fright to find the next HVAC contractor for their property. We also delved into preferred contact methods for interacting with heating and AC contractors.

We specifically hunted for insights into the following questions:

  • How do consumers prefer to contact an HVAC pro when it’s their first encounter?
  • What device(s) are they most likely to use?
  • Do consumers conduct additional site research before calling for the first time?
  • What website features encourage consumers most when they consider a new HVAC contractor?
Local Pack Listings With Lots of Customer Reviews

Online analysts and consumer experts continue to describe shifts towards consistent personal research. In a Pew Research study conducted in 2018, 81% of the Americans surveyed said, “before making an important decision…they rely a lot on their own research”. That number was significantly higher than the percentage of people consulting friends, family, and even industry professionals.

Reviews play a huge part in that personal research process. One Statista report states that 82% of consumer decisions to use a local business are affected by negative reviews (91% for positive reviews).

Even before the surveys, our researchers knew how important online search is for HVAC consumers, especially the process of consulting customer reviews. With the data, we gathered, however, we could understand even more how testimonials affect the behavior of prospective clients. Our data also reinforced the necessity of maintaining the proper communication channels!

Crucial Findings From Our Consumer Surveys

Key Findings on Customer Reviews and Contact Preferences

Our Survey Process

Using Google’s streamlined survey tool, our team conducted a series of surveys designed to tackle some of the crucial questions we listed above. Each survey was released to a sample group of 300+ individuals spread across the continental United States. Since we specifically needed data from consumers who might require heating and air conditioning services, we confined the respondent age group to the 35+ year range, male and female.

All in all, we ended up collecting responses from over 1200 individuals. We achieved a well-spread sampling across genders, age groups, and the US region thanks to Google’s tool. For our post-survey analysis, respondents were divided into four age groups: 35 to 44 years old, 45 to 54 years, 55 to 64 years, and 65+.

Our Consumer Questions

You discover a new, well-rated heating/AC company on Google Search. The company’s phone number and website address are both listed. Assuming you needed service, would you…

  • Immediately call their listed phone number
  • Wait and visit their website first

You’re visiting the website of a heating/AC company that you’ve never used before. Which of the following make you feel the most comfortable with choosing their services?

  • Testimonials from happy customers
  • Clear descriptions of the company services
  • Approval badges from HomeAdvisor
  • Pictures of the company owner & crew
  • Videos of recent AC/heating projects

You’re on the website of a heating & cooling service you’ve never used before. You’re about to contact them for the first time. Which method would you prefer most?

  • A direct call
  • An email link
  • A contact form
  • A direct messaging (DM) box

Which of the following devices are you most likely to use when you contact a heating/AC service?

  • A mobile phone
  • A desktop or laptop computer
  • A tablet
  • A voice-controlled personal assistant

Key Lessons for HVAC Pros

Lesson #1: Testimonials Take Priority.

When asked which website features made them feel most comfortable with choosing the services of an unfamiliar heating/AC company, 43% of respondents said that happy customer testimonials took priority. This lines up with the findings of numerous industry researchers from the last few years.

A study late last year states that the average US consumer reads through 10 reviews before they trust a business. Younger polled age groups were likely to read an even greater number (Statista.com). This seemingly high number of testimonials is likely related to the growing distrust of online reviews. Fake reviews in eCommerce fueled much of the problem, but that distrust has also spread to other industries.

A Graph Showing Preference of Customer Reviews Over Other Website Features

Testimonials and Clear Service Descriptions Ranked Highest Among the Website Features Listed.

Despite this, customer reviews clearly still play a crucial role in client adoption rates. Among the popular features listed in our survey, testimonials outweighed most by a wide margin. That margin widened even more for the women polled in the survey, as seen in the table below.

A Gender Statistic Analysis on Customer Reviews and Other Website Features

While features like HomeAdvisor badges, original company images, and project videos took priority for several consumers, clear service descriptions (more on this later) and testimonials consistently took top placement across each age bracket.

Actionable Takeaways for HVAC Pros

Keep collecting those reviews! Not only do they provide evidence of your company’s trustworthiness, they also serve as a significant ranking factor in SEO. New reviews are especially valuable for prospective clients who haven’t utilized your services before.

Nothing makes a business more attractive than glowing testimonials of excellent customer service.

While testimonials showcased on your website may not be quite as genuine as those on Google Reviews, they still boost consumer confidence. So post away! Get those happy stories front and center on your website. You’ll notice a difference in your site KPIs.

Customer Reviews and Clear Service Descriptions are Touted as Top Website Features for Adoption
Service Pages are an Easy Way to Present More Details About Your Solutions.

Lesson #2: Consumers Need Clear Descriptions.

In one of our recent podcasts, Creative Director Jason Landry stated that website design ultimately breaks down into two key elements: information and presentation.

According to our study, clear descriptions of a company’s services are essential for higher conversions. That’s especially true among men and younger demographics, who may not have as much experience interacting with home service companies. How HVAC companies present their service information makes a significant difference in adoption.

Respondents Say They Will Usually Visit a New Service's Website Before Calling.

Consumers continually show a keen interest in personal research. According to the Pew Research study we mentioned earlier, personal research is even more important than recommendations than friends, families, and industry professionals to many consumers. This lines up with the findings in our next survey.

Consumers Stating They Prefer to Visit a Site First
Reading Through a Website is an Important Part of Service Shopping for Many Consumers.

When asked whether they’d immediately call an HVAC provider or visit their website first, polled consumers showed a clear desire to research the website. For one, this enables prospective clients to dig more into the services available from the provider. Second, the additional research allows the consumers to craft a full perspective of the company in question.

Fewer would click through to the site if the consumers were worried solely about star ratings. After all, local map packs (the primary traffic source for many service keywords) showcase Google Reviews aggregate ratings for each listed business. They also desire a better understanding of the company’s services.

To-Do’s for HVAC Companies

If service detail is what your prospective clients want, give it to them! Write full, keyword-optimized service pages for every one of your solutions. Your clients will appreciate the helpful information and reward you with higher conversion rates.

Keyword-rich service pages also enable rankings for a much larger variety of terms. In other words, that’s more people coming to your website for specific services you provide! So many HVAC companies injure themselves by skipping this process favoring a cheap bullet list on the homepage. That doesn’t work for SEO, and it won’t work for your prospective customers either.

Consumers Stating They'd Use a Mobile Phone to Contact an HVAC Company.

Get those customer reviews! Write those service pages (or have a professional do them for you). Of consumers say it’s important, it matters.

Lesson #3: Get Even More Mobile-Friendly

As consumers eagerly harness mobile technology, desktop computers continue to fall by the wayside. Google even recognized the user shift in July 2019 when they switched to mobile-first indexing. Since most search engine users rely on mobile devices for their browsing, it’s no wonder direct calling is their preferred choice when it comes to reaching out to your business!

75% of our surveyed consumers said they’d most likely use a mobile phone to contact their HVAC service provider.

At nearly 17%, men were the most likely of the sexes to reach out on a desktop computer, while only 8% of women said the same. Tablets followed in the 8-10% range, and voice-controlled personal assistants (PAs) came in dead last with a 4% average. We’ll discuss these devices more later.

This high usage rate for mobile phones just re-emphasizes the importance of adopting truly responsive design. If your website doesn’t conform to user devices, then you’re missing out on a lot of traffic!

Key Action Items for Mobile Usage

Be sure your design caters to a mobile audience. Features that make browsing much easier:

  • Clickable / tap-able phone numbers
  • Sandwich menus
  • Direct messaging / texting tools
  • Large font

Adding these elements to your web design allows people to read and call on the go. For an even more convenient user experience, ensure that all your CTAs (calls to action) are clearly visible and hyperlinked.

Lesson #4: Go Beyond Direct Calls

A Chart Showing Preference on How Consumers Contact HVAC Pros for the First Time From Their Website

“But you just said…” True. Direct calls are the most preferred method of contacting HVAC professionals. However, take a moment to consider the results of our last survey.

Contact Device Preferences by Age Group
42% of Respondents Preferred Methods Besides a Direct Call.

While approximately 58% of consumers preferred direct calls for contacting a new HVAC company, over 42% said they’d rather use other means. Email and contact forms were the most selected runner-ups to direct calls, at 20% and 14%, respectively. 8% of respondents – these were mostly from the 35 to 44 age bracket – were very interested in direct messaging as their first interaction tool of choice.

Potential To-Do Items for HVAC Pros

Expand the number of ways first-time prospects can contact your business. A large portion on the consumer base we polled would rather contact your company through email and/or contact forms. Even if you’ve already provided these contact channels, consider whether or not they’re visible enough on your site.

Summing Things Up

The company website serves as the first point of interaction for many consumers. Consumers are hungry for information, more so than ever before, regarding key purchase decisions. Beyond visual design and graphics, there’s an obvious need for encouragement from client testimonials. Equally important is the provision of detailed descriptions of your services.

Most of our findings boil down to two key issues: comfort and contact.

Reduce the barriers between your prospective clients and your services by making them more comfortable with your brand.

  • Take the time to gather original, unmanipulated consumer reviews from your happy customers. Again, 43% of polled individuals stated that happy customer testimonials are the most important feature for making them comfortable with an unfamiliar HVAC company.
  • Instead of lazily dropping all your services into a homepage bullet list, craft informative and keyword-rich pages for each one. This may be a standard practice in organic SEO, but it also matters very much to your would-be clients! Remember, the customer is (almost) always right.
  • Finally, consider expanding your customer contact options beyond direct phone calls. Not every method is appropriate for everyone, but additional options could help some prospects reach the conversion threshold. Be sure to consider all the contact tools outside your website, too, such as the direct messaging tool on your GMB profile. Experiment, analyze, and adapt the tools that work for your business!

A Note From the Team

The infographic and all related charts from our consumer research will be available on an upcoming HVAC Marketing Statistics page (in development). Some charts may have been altered for better visualization, but no data was changed. Our study focused on consumers within 35-65+ years of age to improve the representation of the average homeowner. Younger demographics may have different browsing habits and merit further study.

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6 HVAC Facebook Post Ideas That Will Convert in 2024

Facebook Post Ideas (Blog Cover)

I’m Nolen Walker with HVAC Webmasters. Over the past 15 years, I’ve worked with thousands of contractors, so when I explain the qualities of the best Facebook post ideas, I know what I’m talking about.

Of course, not all of these will work 100% of the time, but they are proven ways to help generate more HVAC leads for your company, resulting in more revenue.

1) Post Landing Pages for Direct Offers

One of the most proven ways to generate leads through your Facebook page is to send your followers to the landing pages you created for lead-generating offers. The key here is to ensure that you have a compelling featured image that gets pulled into the Facebook post.

To do this, you need to optimize the image’s size for Facebook and then ensure that you add the proper open graph tags that lead to your website. There are several ways to do this, but this is one of the more effective ways to engage your reader.

It is also essential to make it very clear to the reader where you are sending them. For example, they might think they are clicking on a blog post only to find themselves in the middle of a form that needs filling out; this can leave them frustrated or confused, and that is the last thing you want.

However you decide to link your readers to these direct offers, this is one of the tried and true ways to generate those direct leads that can eventually lead to more revenue for your company.

2) Post-lead-Generating Blog Posts

The first part is to learn how to do a blog lead generation analysis. Once you have done this, you must take the blog posts that generate the most leads and post them to your Facebook page.

An intriguing blog topic and title will ultimately engage your audience. They will want to click and read the post, and then they will find a call to action within the post itself. Therefore, you want to ensure that it is as close to the intro as possible.

This call to action typically solves a reader’s problem or answers something the reader wants to understand.

A study has shown that websites generate more leads by using a call-to-action text in the introduction. The anchor text call to action accounts for between 47% and 93% of a post’s leads. 

Do your homework, determine which posts get the most action, and push those with calls to action for increased leads.

3) Include Landing Page Links Within Captions

The best marketers understand the importance of using visuals like images and videos in your Facebook strategy. For example, Facebook posts with pictures see 2.3X more engagements than those without pictures.

To make even better use of those higher engagement rates and turn them into valuable lead generation opportunities, you might want to include links to your website’s description of the images, especially for cover photos and profile picture descriptions.

These links allow interested people to get to know your company better than ever. Your profile and cover photo descriptions turn into prime virtual real estate. Whenever someone views your cover photo, they can access a download link.

Make sure that you shorten those links and add your UTM codes. These allow you to track the clicks that happen. Again, there are a variety of tools that will do these things for you.

Ultimately, the goal is to generate as many leads as possible, and adding links to your image descriptions is a proven method.

4) Use Videos to Promote Lead-Generating Offers

While Facebook’s overall organic reach continues to drop amid controversies linked to the social media giant, tweaks to the Facebook algorithm have helped mitigate the increase in the amount of content generated on the platform.

Videos are the one big exception to this. As a result, videos have helped marketers stay relevant and continue to reach their target audiences. Facebook’s algorithm favors overall video content. Video posts have a 135% greater organic reach than traditional photo posts.

Videos increase lead-generating offers through your Facebook page. The key here is to use videos to generate and promote those lead-generating offers. With a video, you can use a verbal call to action as well as in the video’s description, calling users to “download,” “register,” or something similar.

More and more businesses are using videos to reach their customers and share these lead-generating offers. Make your videos interesting, informative, and fun, and you will find a more significant response to your campaigns.

Video How To Listings

Videos are Great for More Complicated Concept Explanations.

5) Use Facebook Live

Much like the videos, Facebook Live might be an easier way to go about it. Videos can be intimidating if you are not familiar with the process, not to mention that they take time to create.

Facebook Live has shown that people comment up to 10 times more on Facebook Live videos than they would on regular videos. This method is more about generating conversation and promoting.

If you have an event, show the setup live. You can also promote an offer by hosting something like a Q&A through Facebook Live. Live sessions encourage comments and interaction, which generates more leads.

While these don’t have actual tags that you can use, you can use a verbal call to action through the live video and make sure that you repeat it more often than you would for a standard video.

Viewers may join late and miss the first call to action, so giving them multiple chances increases conversions.

Live Facebook sessions are a great way to deliver a sense of spontaneity so that your followers feel like they might miss out if they aren’t visiting your Facebook page. That’s a great way to develop new leads for your business.

6) Create a CTA Button for Your Facebook page

While this might not be a post, developing leads that you will not want to miss out on as you market your business is essential. Facebook allows business pages to add a pretty simple call-to-action button at the top of the business’s Facebook page.

It might seem simple, but it can be powerful in helping drive traffic from your Facebook page to your actual website. Best of all, this can include contact sheets, landing pages, and any other lead-generating forms that you might have.

Even more importantly, you can choose from a variety of pre-made buttons. Things like “Contact Us,” “Shop Now,” “Book Now,” “Watch Video,” and so on will allow you to customize your call-to-action button to make it more precisely tailored to your page.

Most of all, the call-to-action button gives you the ability to be versatile. Most marketers will choose a call to action and stick with it for an extended period.

But with the button, you can switch up your call to action so that it doesn’t feel stale and overused. That is an invaluable feature.

While Facebook Ads are the most widely utilized promotional avenue for companies, investing in Facebook Posts can also yield a favorable ROI for heating and cooling companies.

Leveraging Facebook Posts for Your HVAC Marketing Campaign

Facebook posts alone are insufficient to promote your HVAC company online. Instead, they must be one part of a broader digital marketing strategy involving SEO and digital branded signaling.

I spent millions to create a software tool called DataPins for my HVAC Webmasters’ clients. The DataPins tool allows HVAC technicians to snap a photo of the job and consolidate it with other Local SEO signals, including E-E-A-T and schema markup.

You can share pins on Facebook to help drive your followers and social media engagement. However, the most powerful aspect of pins is building digital branded signaling throughout the web.

By aligning your Facebook marketing with your overall digital marketing campaign, you can use Facebook Posts and other tools to increase lead generation and grow your business.

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Pros and Cons of Buying Leads for HVAC Businesses (Podcast)

Most contractors have a love/hate relationship with their lead services. In this podcast, Jason and Nolen explore the potential perks of buying leads for HVAC contractors, along with the sometimes disastrous pitfalls. Whether you’ve purchased leads in the past or are considering a service soon, you’ll gain some essential insights into the pros and cons of lead gen companies.

Look Out for These Key Points

  • Does buying leads create long-term or short-term opportunities?
  • Do lead services contribute towards your brand development?
  • What expenses come out of buying leads?
  • How good is the lead quality?

What Does Buying Leads Mean?

Developing a client base takes time, money, and lots of effort. It may take years to establish a comfortable pool of loyal customers. But, for businesses longing for that initial growth, buying leads presents a desirable, fast solution. Here’s how it works:

How Lead Buying Works

  • Step #1: An HVAC contractor hires on a lead generation company.
  • Step #2: The lead gen company connects them with potential customers by phone or email.
  • Step #3: The contractor accepts or rejects the client, who may or may not decide to do business with the contractor.
  • Step #4: The contractor renders payment to the lead-generating company.

Lead Companies

What is the Most Popular Pay-Per-Lead Company?

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) companies range from household names to somewhat sketchy businesses. While there are numerous PPL companies out in the market, you’d have difficulty finding a more recognizable name than HomeAdvisor. The directory promotes local lists for various niches and boasts a vast array of contractors.

  • HomeAdvisor
  • Houzz
  • Porch
  • Thumbtack
  • Yelp

Lead Costs

How Much Do Companies Pay for Leads?

That depends on the particular service you utilize for your leads. We’ll use HomeAdvisor as an example. According to the HomeAdvisor Pro How It Works page, HVAC contractors pay a mix of annual, monthly, and variable fees in exchange for leads. Keep in mind; the company does not guarantee any of these leads will convert into customers. To quote from their website, “You will be charged for each lead you receive, whether or not you ultimately win the job…”

What Costs Can I Expect?

  • Annual Subscription Fees
  • General Industry Leads Costs (“Market Match”)
  • Brand Specific Leads Costs (“Exact Match”)
  • Supporting Service Costs

When people request your company specifically through HomeAdvisor, your company may pay an even higher lead cost rate. You can set monthly target budgets, but lead costs may exceed that number.

Key Questions

Questions to Ask When Buying Leads

There are two primary concerns your HVAC business should consider when buying leads. First, you’ll need to consider the pricing structure of the service. Some companies quote a relatively low per lead cost but quietly zing you with additional fees. Others charge higher rates but do a much better job of outlining what that money buys.

The even more essential question you need to ask is: How does your company qualify these leads? Is your money going towards connecting with ready-to-buy consumers, or is the PPL company pushing window shoppers to meet their quota?

Of course, you should never subscribe to a PPL service without consulting existing clients of that company. If you find that all the people you consult are getting fantastic returns on their investment, this could be the opportunity you’ve been targeting. On the other hand, clients may warn you to steer clear of that prospective service. Either way, you’ll have better peace of mind about your decision!

Is Buying Leads Worth it For Contractors?

While many HVAC SEO companies would tell you otherwise, buying leads sometimes provides fantastic results for contractors. If you find a service that offers a fair costing rate and a dependable ROI, go for it. However, there are several factors you need to weigh before pulling the trigger on these annual subscriptions.

Crucial Factors to Consider

  • Will buying leads provide long-term growth?
  • Do buying leads gain exposure for your brand or their brand?
  • Could you earn these same leads (or better) through other means?
  • Do you want to be locked into a subscription?
  • Are the leads provided of sufficient quality?

Alternatives to Buying Leads

One of the selling points of companies like HomeAdvisor is that you have tight control over the location and types of people you gain leads for. You can also set spending targets that your PPL service may or may not exceed. Having control over your marketing is a serious advantage.

But what if you could get this control without paying a subscription fee?

Google Ads PPC (pay per click) campaigns also target specific markets within a geographical area. They automatically deactivate whenever they hit your predetermined budget, and your efforts determine the quality of the leads you receive. If you don’t like the results, you can quit anytime or refine your campaigns till they succeed. Many HVAC contractors experience a double return on their investment into Google Ads. During your paid search efforts, you can also spend valuable time working on your HVAC SEO through keyword research and engaging content.

Team Up With the HVAC Webmasters

Whatever course you ultimately choose to develop your leads, we hope you succeed. If you’re hunting for ways to grow your lead generation, our team at the HVAC Webmasters would love to help. We provide HVAC SEO solutions, PPC campaign management and analysis, custom website development, and numerous other services to advance your business.