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Delivering Excellent Customer Service for HVAC During COVID-19

As an HVAC contractor, you probably depend a lot on word of mouth referrals and recommendations. But in a time when social distancing is a must and people are struggling to communicate, this can be a challenge for your business. Nonetheless, the current pandemic is an excellent opportunity to show your customers that your business is of value.

One of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain a high level of customer service in these trying times. If you are able to give your customers great service and friendly interactions at this time, your business will reap the benefits both now and in the future. Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot so to speak because many businesses aren’t focusing on customer service right now. Owners have their minds on other things. But if you can be the HVAC contractor that didn’t forget about delivering an awesome customer experience during COVID-19, you will have won a loyal customer.

In today’s post, we will be talking about the importance of customer service during this time as well as giving you some customer service tips that apply specifically to the current crisis. Still, it is important to realize that all the following tips revolve around thinking about the customer. And thinking about your customer is a practice that will serve you well no matter what is happening in the world. 

If at any time you would like to speak to an HVAC marketing expert, please feel free to contact us here at HVAC Webmasters. But for now, let’s discuss some customer service tips to remember.

Communicate Clearly

Communication is at a premium now that social distancing and quarantines are the norms. It is important that you let your customers know that you can still service all their HVAC needs, first and foremost. Secondly, it is crucial that you communicate with your clients how you intend to keep them safe even as you are in their homes or businesses working on their HVAC systems. You can accomplish both these feats simply by updating your social media pages and website. Outline the preventative measures you are taking against the spread of COVID-19. 

You can also send an email newsletter to your clients, reminding them that you are still available to service them and that you will observe the recommended 6-foot distancing suggestion, wear protective face and hand coverings and limit face-to-face interactions to only what is absolutely necessary. You can also emphasize these points anytime a potential customer calls you and inquires about your services.

Understand Your Unique Position

As an HVAC contractor, even you may not be aware of the unique position you are in. But the fact is that HVAC services can actually help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Running a home or commercial HVAC system can actually stymie the spread of the virus within a building. 

This is a bit of information that you can leverage to help your customers. Again, you can use email newsletter campaigns or your social media pages to let people know that you can install filters for their heaters and air conditioners to help stop the proliferation of COVID-19. Let them know that they shouldn’t be afraid to run their HVAC systems and that you can help them if their systems have been hindered in any way.

The HVAC trade is in a unique position compared to other trades in this sense so let your customers know that you are there for them to provide this essential service.

Prioritize Safety Gear

The precautions you are taking off the clock (face masks, gloves, etc.) should be the same precautions you take when you are on the job site. This is another important customer service tips to remember. It is important for safety first and foremost, but when your customers see that you actually value their health and safety, that will stand out to them. 

Be sure that you and your technicians are equipped with masks and gloves at all times on the job. This is the best way to stay healthy when you have to interact with people and it makes customers feel more secure. And if they feel secure with you, they are more likely ot enlist your services in the future. 

Expand Communications

A lot of times, estimates are given in person because a customer wants you to see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears what is going on with their HVAC systems. But in-person interaction isn’t the only way to get on the same page as your customer.

Now more than ever, it is important to familiarize yourself with and utilize video chat applications like Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp and others. By opening this channel of communication with your customers, you are telling them that you A) value their health and safety and B) are adapting to the crisis to meet their HVAC needs. 

Plus, it is a great way for people to get that face-to-face rapport with you without risking infection of any kind. While it may not be perfect, this form of virtual communication will at least show your customers that you are doing your best to service their HVAC needs during a difficult time.

Stay Positive

Throughout all this confusion and uncertainty, it is important to stay positive and focused. The last thing a customer wants is a visibly stressed out and pessimistic person to come into their home or business and work on their HVAC system. They will not call you back again if you have a dour attitude.

People need to be uplifted right now. They need positivity. So be the HVAC contractor that provides them that. It will help you too.

With a bit of persistence and diligence with these and other customer service tips, your business will get to the light at the end of the tunnel. For more information, marketing help, and customer service tips, contact us here at HVAC Webmasters.

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